
I can’t believe this happened . . .

I mean look at this amazing family!

65 people and only 1 missing (serving an LDS mission).

This was several months in the planning, tried different dates and times but with this many people and not all the families local, it was difficult.  But as the kids started to plan a 50th Wedding Anniversary party for their parents it was just the perfect time for a super big family picture.

I’m not going to lie, this was the biggest family picture I had ever taken and I was a bit nervous as to where to do this because it was early January and freezing here in Utah, so outdoors was a no go especially with the many babies.  Luckily the LDS Church House the party was being held at had a beautiful blue curtain, stage, and carpet.  This also was a benefit so I could go vertical.  Also nervous about how it would turn out.  That’s a lot of people to get to look at the camera all at the same time, and no eyes closed!

I think back to that evening in awe as to what happened and how well it happened.  I started with the guests of honor, Grandma and Grandpa.  Then moved onto individual families, because not everyone was quite to the location yet.  Once I was done with all the individual families it was time to set up for the big one.  I knew I had to move fast, try to keep families together, but also place people so it looked good.  These children were nothing short of amazing!  They listened, were patient cause let’s face it, even though I was trying to set them up fast, it still took a while.  Really, the kids were so well behaved that I know that is what saved my bacon.  Thanks, kids!

Once I had several shots of all the family I asked the parents to move out and the kids to squish in so I could get the grandparents with the grandkids.

Look at all these angels!

Such an amazing way to remember a 50th Wedding Anniversary.  What a tribute to a special couple.  And for many years and generations to come, there will be these pictures to look at, to cherish, and to remember.  Pictures help us to connect to the people around us right now, connect to those in the past, and connect to the generations that will come after us.  It is important for children to see pictures, learn about different family members and people, to hear stories.

I know it can be hard sometimes to get your family pictures taken, but really, could it be any harder than trying to get 65 people together?  Schedule a session and just get it done, you can do it, make it a priority and I promise that you will never regret having the pictures.


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